The Very Inspiring Blogger Award

La Crimson Femme nominated me for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award.  She and I have very similar reading tastes, check out her blog and her Goodreads bookshelf if you prefer your BDSM books to have more bite and less fluff.


The Rules:

  1. Display the award logo on your blog.
  2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
  3. State 7 things about yourself.
  4. Nominate 15 bloggers for this award and link to them.
  5. Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements.

Seven Things About Myself

  1. I’m apparently not capable of writing moderate S&M. I can write understated D/s without problems, though..
  2. In a few weeks I’ll celebrate my fifteenth wedding anniversary to my soul mate. I treasure every day I have with him.
  3. I have to be sure to let my husband know when I’m researching some details for a book and it’s *not* something I’m leaving hints about wanting to spend a lot of time on.
  4. He’s a sadist though, so sometimes my protests don’t matter, if it appeals to him.
  5. I have a whole lot of experience with just about everything I write about, though there are a few things I’ve only experienced once or twice. I’m not telling which.
  6. When I get deep into writing I have to stay away from Facebook, Goodreads, Twitter, etc. If not, I’d never finish a book.
  7. I don’t watch much TV, but I enjoy Smash, Once upon a Time, Grimm, The Big Bang Theory, Beauty and the Beast, Covert Affairs, and Dexter. It’s a good thing they’re not all on at the same time or I’d never get any writing in.

I nominate the below 15 bloggers I find interesting.

  1. Annabel Joseph
  2. Anthony Francis
  3. Cari Silverwood
  4. Derekica Snake
  5. Kaya at Under His Hand
  6. Kim Dare
  7. Liz at Fictional Candy
  8. Olivia Cunning
  9. Qwillia Rain
  10. Riane Holt at Kinky Book Reviews
  11. S.E. Jakes
  12. Seanan McGuire
  13. Selena Kitt
  14. Shari at Delighted Reader
  15. The Dark Haven Maven

Yes, I put them in alphabetical order. I’m sure it’s a sickness, but sometimes I just can’t help myself.