While talking to someone online, I made a flip joke about a peacock shifter who’s a drag queen, and made it clear I wasn’t likely to write the story.
But my muse ran with it, and I was up until three in the morning typing my little hands off. For a couple of nights in a row. Plus typing every minute I wasn’t at the day job. My alarm clock goes off at six in the morning whether I’m working as a tech geek or a writer that day — children must be supervised (and refereed), and outfits and makeup must be scrutinized before they walk out the door. In other words, I didn’t get a whole lot of sleep.
If you’ve read Bud’s story, you’ll remember Nickie questioning Sandy-aka-Jeni and Kate. If you haven’t read Bud’s story, that’s okay. The point is, as soon as I set my drag queen in Atlanta, Sandy jumped into the story and said, “He’s mine!”
So, without further ado, I give you a cover reveal and blurb.
Vic is a straight man who happens to be a bitchin’ drag queen. He’s also a peacock, which makes living in the city uncomfortable, but when his alter-ego Vickie gets a standing job as hostess of the stage for one of the premier drag shows in Atlanta, he moves into midtown — though thankfully he finds a condo adjoining Piedmont Park.
Sandy works in the Atlanta RTMC’s B&B. She’s a working girl. She’s close to graduating from Georgia Tech and doesn’t owe a penny in student loans. However, she hasn’t had a relationship in years. She has her trusty cocker spaniel, Prince, and a three-point-five GPA. There isn’t time for a man in her life, but she won’t even attempt a relationship while she supports herself with sex work.
Can a drag queen — certain he’ll never find a woman who can handle the fact his wardrobe and makeup is better than hers — convince the workin’ girl to give him a chance? And can Sandy let someone into a kink she only discovered because a client asked for it? She’s never experienced it with someone she cares about, but it happens to be Vic’s kink, too.
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