Bitten by Paranormal Romance 18 and Over Blog Hop

Welcome to the Bitten by Paranormal Romance 18 and Over Blog Hop! I’ll give away the winners choice of an ebook of either Safeword: Davenport or Safewords: Davenport and Chiffon on Monday, September 17th. There are three ways to enter for the Davenport giveaway. Do all three and you’ll be entered three times, or do one and you’re entered once: Follow me on Facebook and let me know about it (email, comment, or FB message) Follow me on Twitter and let me know about it (email, comment, or Twitter me) Comment below. If you’re already following me on Facebook or Twitter let me know who you are, and I’ll count it. I feel I should warn that these aren’t beginner BDSM books. Everything is consensual, but it’s real pain, and about as close as one can get to total surrender while sustaining a career. If you’re only interested in a little slap and tickle, these may be a bit much for you. Here’s the blurb for Safeword: Davenport Dana has never submitted to anyone but her husband — he trained her, taught her to submit. He’s been dead a year and a half though, and she’s beginning to consider the possibility of dating again. She sticks to vanilla at first, but quickly realizes she’s going to need more. As she’s considering the idea of finding someone who would enjoy hurting her without requiring her submission, her life is complicated by a Dom who pushes all of her buttons. Safeword: Davenport is the first half of Dana’s story, it’s the personal part of her journey, and has a Happy for Now ending. Safewords: Davenport and Chiffon tells the rest of her story and gives us her Happily Ever After. Warning: This title contains graphic language, consensual BDSM, bondage, intense sensory deprivation, […]

Wicked Pleasure Scavenger Hunt Blog Hop

Welcome to the Wicked Pleasures Scavenger Hunt Blog Hop! The rafflecopter (below) is on each blog in the hop, and allows you to answer the question at each site. Answer the question in the space provided in the rafflecopter and in the comment section below. Winners will be selected on Oct 8th and will be notified by email. My prize contribution is one ebook copy of Safeword: Matte, and my question is: Matte is Japanese for _______. Hint: Look on the page for Safeword: Matte. Good Luck! a Rafflecopter giveaway You can continue on the hop by clicking on the next site in the Linky list, or you can go to one of the next five blogs on the list: * Ann Cory * Tarah Scott * T. C. Archer * Krystal Brookes * Suzanne Rock – Romance on a Budget

Romance with a Bite Blog Hop

  Welcome to the Romance with a Bite Blog Hop! For some, romance can mean tender kisses and gentle caresses, for others it means wrist cuffs, nipple clamps, a beautiful leather belt, and kisses that leave you breathless. But beyond the outer trappings, I think romance happens when two people connect at the soul level. When a man wants to get to know you, and spends the time to understand you enough to be able to see into your heart — that’s romance. Do you want your fictional romances to mirror real life, or do you prefer over-the-top fantasy? Or, perhaps you’re like me and you have different reading moods, preferring one thing this week, another next week? Sometimes I get tired of the manufactured drama, and I wrote Safeword: Matte for myself during one of those time periods. It’s two people who’ve worked through their baggage and come together without a million things trying to tear them apart. I more than made up for the lack of angst later, with my two Davenport books, though. I cried as I wrote them, and cried again on every editing pass. What’s your preference for books: pure fantasy, or fantasy with a dose of reality? Real life Doms make mistakes sometimes. When they do, they admit to it, talk about it, learn from it, and move on. One of my beta readers got terribly upset when I had Zach screw up, so much so that I took one of his screw ups out of the book. I wanted to make him human though, so I left the other instances in. What’s your preference? Perfect alpha male, or alpha male who’s human but takes responsibility for his mistakes? There are a couple of ways to win in this Blog Hop. There will be […]

Interviews and broken feet

I had a late night last night, dealing with emergency room doctors for my daughter. She broke her foot, and today we’re headed for an orthopedist. Meanwhile, I’m being interviewed over at All I Want and More today, where Cecile asked some fun questions. There’s also a giveaway of the winner’s choice of Safeword: Davenport or Safewords: Davenport and Chiffon. She reviewed Safeword: Davenport yesterday, and seems to have enjoyed it. She said: The BDSM really goes dark. I am not saying this as a scaring kinda warning, just a warning because this is not a light, fluffy…. “Oh look how cute she is in handcuffs” kinda book.. This is a serious tale of the path of re-discovery. Ms. Candace has done another wonderful job at soaking the pages with such detail, passion and emotion that you will just keep reading until you hit the last page…

Safeword: Davenport gets 5 of 5 Paddles and 5 of 5 Kinks at BDSM Book Reviews

Safeword: Davenport received 5 of 5 Paddles and 5 of 5 Kinks from Cami at BDSM Book Reviews. She said: The descriptions of the difference between Masochism and Submissiveness is great to read about. Often times its one or the other and authors don’t go as in depth as Blevins does. The journey of self-discovery for Dana really makes this story. When even the parts of the story that are not directly involving sexual acts are steamy, you know its going to be a STEAMY read! Candace Blevins really delivers a multi-layered BDSM novel in this book.

Annette at Gothic Mom’s Book Reviews gave the Safeword: Davenport and Chiffon a 4 of 5 and said: …while the sex and exploration are almost nonstop, there is a also a fantastic story of loss and love. …I found myself strongly connected to Dana in Chiffon. I cried along with her and was filled with joy when things worked out for her proving that this is not just a book filled with sex, sex, and yet more sex. It is also a book with a serious plot, a plot that you cannot help but to fall in love with. I love books that can take me out of my comfort zone. They offer a chance for reflection and thought. Safewords: Davenport & Chiffon is one of those books. It brings with it a chance for intellectual exploration, and who knows, maybe a chance for a little sexual exploration too.

Three more glowing reviews of the Davenport books

Sally at Bibrary gave the two Davenport books a glowing review and said: …it’s a story that blurs a lot of lines, and occupies the shadows between those lines. The romance worked (both despite and because of the darkness), and the power exchange itself was undeniably attractive. Dana and Zach are both fascinating characters, well-rounded and well-developed, and the supporting cast is far more than just the usual Master/Mistress/slave background participants. Definitely a remarkable tale, and one that’s exceptionally well-told — so long as you don’t mind some winces and shudders mixed in with your gasps and shivers. Kaitlin Michelle at Soliloquy gave both Safeword: Davenport and Safewords: Davenport and Chiffon five stars, and said of the first: The book was really good. The BDSM scenes are extreme and very descriptive. It also has a lot on the emotional aspect of BDSM relationships, and more because of the loss of both partners’ spouses. This has stuff for all people in the scene: TPE, Domme, gay love, flogging, Tens units, cages, etc. Overall: beautifully written BDSM love story, worth a read if you’re into the scene. Her review of the second book included: The story was really believable. Definitely read both books. Anyone in the scene will enjoy them. I myself am going to get the rest of the stand alone books from the series, because these were so well written. And finally, My Addiction is Reading at The Steamy Side gave Safeword: Davenport a 5 of 5 and said: When even the parts of the story that are not directly involving sexual acts are steamy, you know its going to be a STEAMY read! Candace Blevins really delivers a multi-layered BDSM novel in this book. The descriptions of the difference between Masochism and Submissiveness is great to read about… The […]

Steamy Reading reviews Safewords: Davenport and Chiffon

Steamy Reading reviews Safewords: Davenport and Chiffon today, and seems to have liked it. Here’s what they said: The story between Zach and Dana started in Safeword: Davenport and continues in this installment and builds. Add in the relationship between Dana and Jacob and you’ve got a great story of someone who is finding themselves in the BDSM world. What impressed me the most is that Blevins didn’t shy away from any sort of play in the story… Blevins gave it to us full force and I enjoyed the way the scenes were written. The story was so well intertwined that I wanted to keep reading. Even when the story ended. I want more Zach, Dana, Brent and Jacob. Several blogs have contests and giveaways going for one or more of my books, I have a list of them up here.

Sizzling Books of Summer Blog Hop

Welcome to the Sizzling Books of Summer Blog Hop! The theme today is a mixed drink that will work well with the book we choose, and for Safeword: Matte, I’m thinking Lynchburg Lemonade. I mean, the story takes place in Tennessee, right? Contrary to what one would think, Lynchburg Lemonade has no actual lemonade. It consists of: 1 part Jack Daniel’s® Black Label whiskey 1 part sweet and sour mix 1 part triple sec 3 parts Sprite The official Jack Daniels web site calls for “4 parts lemon lime soda”, but I like mine a little stronger, and I’m betting Sam and Ethan do, too. Now, onto the free stuff: I’ll be giving away a copy of Safeword: Matte on Wednesday evening, August 22nd. There are three ways to enter. Do all three and you’ll be entered three times, or do one and you’re entered once: Follow me on Facebook and let me know about it (email, comment, or FB message) Follow me on Twitter and let me know about it (email, comment, or Twitter me) Comment below. If you’re already following me on Facebook or Twitter let me know who you are, and I’ll count it. Here’s the blurb for Safeword: Matte Matte, pronounced mah-tay, is the word used in some forms of martial arts to stop a fight. It’s the Japanese word for stop or wait. Sam (short for Samantha) has made a hobby out of learning the various fighting disciplines, but she also happens to be a sexual submissive. What better safeword than matte? Sam wants to find someone to submit to who she can’t beat in a fight. She’s tried to make it work with men from the scene who know nothing about fighting, but it doesn’t feel real to her – she needs someone who […]