Your greyhound’s life before she (or he) came to you…

I chose the bottom image because it shows how the dogs are given what they need in their little bedrooms (which are actually quite big). Some prefer a few layers of carpet, some prefer to nest in shredded paper. Most also have pillows and/or stuffies. Kathi figures out what makes them happy and then gives it to them. You’ll see how high the shredded paper is in the adjoining kennel. Greyhounds sleep 18 hours a day (Ivy might be closer to 20 hours a day) — they’re happy to have their own space to sleep. They get to go outside plenty, and they potty and cut up with each other maybe five minutes, and then they’re stretched out in the sand — or at the gate waiting to go back inside.
Kathi had a new girl, who’d arrived the day before. She was up front, and she got special attention since she was still getting the hang of everything, but she was already doing okay.
Another dog was a ‘spook’ (afraid of everything, some dogs are just like that), and Kathi had worked with her a lot to make her happy. The doggie loves to run, and once she realized getting into the hauler meant she gets to race, she’s now happy about dragging the humans to the hauler so she can get in, but she wasn’t happy about it the first time. (The kennels are close to the track, but the dogs get to ride in an air-conditioned truck back and forth). I spent some time with her, and she was painfully shy, but still a happy girl. And that’s the point here — unhappy dogs aren’t going to be good racers. Happy dogs are. Kathi keeps them happy.
Also, a word about the muzzles. The dogs don’t mind them, and they keep the dogs safe. While we were there, one of the males kept trying to mount another, and the mountee wasn’t at *all* happy about it. They had a few skirmishes, nothing major, just establishing the pecking order, but one of them could’ve been injured without the muzzles. I saw seventy-something dogs being cycled in and out of the turnout pen, and that was the only issue. I was mega-impressed. The dogs are great with each other.
They can breathe through the muzzle, even drink water with them on. No problem. I’ve seen other people’s videos, and when the dogs realize they’re getting the racing muzzle, they go batshit crazy, so excited they’re going to get to race.
A few dogs were up front, so they could be monitored due to small injuries — not being raced until they’re fully healed. The track has vets on retainer, so it doesn’t cost to call the vet to see about a dog if there’s even a hint of a problem. There’s no, “Oh, we can’t afford the vet bill,” — he’s on retainer, and he comes when called without any extra charges. All dogs are seen regularly, no matter what. For some injuries, dogs go home with Kathi at night. She has two whippets who come to work with her, so it’s no big deal to take a greyhound home who needs special attention or care. These dogs are professional athletes who race at the top of their game, and stuff happens when you push your limits. And it isn’t the trainers pushing their limits — it’s the dogs.
I know there’s a lot more that I didn’t get to see — I’d have loved to have been able to spend a whole day, so we could follow them to the track and see that part, but I had to get back for author stuff. And there are lots of videos out there of massages in doggie jacuzzi tubs the day after a race. I’ve also seen other videos of the massive full body massage/rubdowns the dogs get before and after races.
And finally, a funny picture. I was playing with the boys when more girls were put into the turnout pen beside us, and the boys went, “HELLO!”
If you happen to live in Florida, please, please vote NO on amendment 13. If it passes and greyhound racing is outlawed, thousands of greyhounds are going to have to be rehomed, all at once. This amendment is about betting laws, not about the dogs, but they’re saying it’s about the dogs and telling lies about their living conditions. If they really cared about the racing doggies, they’d let them race.
Ivy came to us a spoiled diva and I knew she hadn’t been abused. My trip to the kennels showed me what I already knew — she could so easily love us because she’d already had people in her life who cared about her and made sure she had everything she wanted and needed.
Unhallowed Murder: A Murdery-Mystery Romance
It’s Halloween night and the Haunted Corn Maze is a madhouse. However, no one knows one of the zombies in the diorama is a dead body. There’s a reason it looks so real.
Lieutenant Veronica Woods is dressed as a Power Ranger, as are her four friends, enjoying the frights and scares in the chill autumn air. Ronnie is a tiger-shifter, and her sense of smell points her to the body, but there’s no logical reason for her to climb the small hill and traipse through the display. At least, not until she scents a group of vampires, and she bullies and coerces one of them into helping her report the crime so she can begin her investigation.
Josef is an ancient vampire with a military mindset. He was a general in his human life, and now he’s head of security for one of the most powerful vampires alive. He hasn’t had a personal relationship in decades, and has no interest in one, but the adorable little tiger shifter walks like a sex kitten and issues orders like a military general. Her people obviously respect her, and he finds he doesn’t want to leave her side when she’s ready to turn him loose.
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Lexi is late for her cosmetology class. She races another car for the only parking space close to her building — and wins. She ignores the other driver’s string of not-terribly-creative cursing and threats, and scurries to class. However, when she comes out hours later, she freezes when she sees members of the local gang sitting on the hood of her car, waiting.
Terrified, Lexi rushes back inside to call her sister, who works for the local MC. Ten long minutes later, her sister tells her to go to the athletic center and wait for some guys on bikes, who’ll take her to her car and keep her safe.
Bubbles can’t believe how tiny the girl with the pastel blue, pink, and purple hair is, and wants to lash out at anyone who scared her. He and Slick get her into her car and away from school, and Bubbles follows her home to be sure she’s safe. When he realizes she lives in the heart of the gang’s territory, his protective instincts kick in and he takes her home with him.
Lexi’s nineteen and has been with two men her entire life. Bubbles is in his thirties and has had every sexual experience known to man. He’s a felon who’s spent serious time in prison and is still on parole. He’s the last kind of complication she needs in her life, but for such a gruff, giant of a man, he’s gentle with her. He makes her feel safe.
Little did Lexi know how drastically her life would change because she hit the snooze button one more time..
Bubbles is a supernovel at 545 pages. It can be enjoyed as a stand-alone if you haven’t read the rest of the series.
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Edge of Humanity is here!!!
I consider this series my flagship series — it’s the glue that holds everything else together. I’m so excited to release book five. If you’ve ever wondered about Kirsten’s teacher in China, ever asked for a prequel, I hope this book will satisfy all your questions.
Book five of the ONLY HUMAN series…
Abbott agreed to let Kirsten seek revenge on Gavin, and she hopes doing so before she pulls away from the supernatural community will make others hesitant to come after Kirsten or her family.
Before Lauren goes away to college, Kirsten wants to be sure she’s done all she can to prepare her daughter. They take a trip to China, and Kirsten hopes she can get her old teacher to train her daughter. However, when they arrive, things aren’t as they should be.
In China, the Lion Dance and Dragon Dance are ubiquitous, and the Monkey King frequently plays a part in both. Kirsten is friends with the Lion King and Dragon King, and despite the fact this has nothing to do with the legendary Chinese lion or dragon, the implications are far-reaching once she’s back in China.
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Edge of Humanity teasers!
A few teasers for Edge of Humanity!
Pre-order links soon, release date June 22nd!
Cocky Queen
While talking to someone online, I made a flip joke about a peacock shifter who’s a drag queen, and made it clear I wasn’t likely to write the story.
But my muse ran with it, and I was up until three in the morning typing my little hands off. For a couple of nights in a row. Plus typing every minute I wasn’t at the day job. My alarm clock goes off at six in the morning whether I’m working as a tech geek or a writer that day — children must be supervised (and refereed), and outfits and makeup must be scrutinized before they walk out the door. In other words, I didn’t get a whole lot of sleep.
If you’ve read Bud’s story, you’ll remember Nickie questioning Sandy-aka-Jeni and Kate. If you haven’t read Bud’s story, that’s okay. The point is, as soon as I set my drag queen in Atlanta, Sandy jumped into the story and said, “He’s mine!”
So, without further ado, I give you a cover reveal and blurb.
Vic is a straight man who happens to be a bitchin’ drag queen. He’s also a peacock, which makes living in the city uncomfortable, but when his alter-ego Vickie gets a standing job as hostess of the stage for one of the premier drag shows in Atlanta, he moves into midtown — though thankfully he finds a condo adjoining Piedmont Park.
Sandy works in the Atlanta RTMC’s B&B. She’s a working girl. She’s close to graduating from Georgia Tech and doesn’t owe a penny in student loans. However, she hasn’t had a relationship in years. She has her trusty cocker spaniel, Prince, and a three-point-five GPA. There isn’t time for a man in her life, but she won’t even attempt a relationship while she supports herself with sex work.
Can a drag queen — certain he’ll never find a woman who can handle the fact his wardrobe and makeup is better than hers — convince the workin’ girl to give him a chance? And can Sandy let someone into a kink she only discovered because a client asked for it? She’s never experienced it with someone she cares about, but it happens to be Vic’s kink, too.
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SLAVE Pre-Order Links are Live
Because you’re never too old for Faerie Tales…
Halflings born in the human realm can stay if they can pass for human, but a baby with bright red and yellow hair, pointed ears, glowing green eyes, and swirled purple and green nails had to be relocated. With no family in Faerie to claim her, the newborn was auctioned off as a slave.
In Faerie, slaves are property with no rights. The baby is now an adult, and has been given in tribute to The Winter Queen.
Queen Mab has worked hard to make everyone in Faerie fear her, but her new pleasure slave enjoys the kiss of her whip. Can the Dark Queen have a tender side? The Dragon King once loved her, after all, so there has to be more to her than the evil, ruthless queen we’ve seen so far.
Climb aboard and experience the best and worst the Winter Queen can dish out.
Slave is book one in the Dark(ish) Faerie Tale quadrilogy. The series takes place within the greater Kirstin O’Shea universe, but can be read without being familiar with the other books and series.
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Razor Pre-order Links are LIVE!
Razor moved from the Memphis RTMC chapter to Chattanooga to set up and manage a series of laundromats, because the local chapter needs more ways to legitimize their illegal income. He’s gay, but the Chattanooga chapter has accepted gay couples into their social circle, so he hopes they can accept him.
Matty is about to graduate college, and he’s in the market for a Daddy. He walks into the RTMC bar with three of his girlfriends, and a huge hulk of a man rescues him from some rednecks. He recognizes the bouncer for the leather daddy he is, and sparks fly between them.
Most of the MC is prepared to accept Razor as a gay brother, but they know they’ll have to figure things out as they happen once Razor is serious about someone. Will his ‘boy’ be an ol’lady? And can all the ol’lady rules really apply to a man?
Razor is a raven, Matty is human. The RTMC fits into the local supernatural hierarchy in a myriad of ways, and Razor is already friends with Abbott and Spence.
But a supernatural storm is about to blindside the club, and their personal ties to The Dragon King and Master Vampire won’t be enough to help.
Warning: Male-male sexual practices are front and center in this book, not to mention it’s kinky as your grandmother’s old phone cord. Razor and Matty are heavy on the D/s, the S&M, and the B&D.
Since some reviewers have been surprised by this in previous books, it seems necessary to also warn that sometimes bikers solve problems with their fists, and there’s lots of sexy fun in the clubhouse with women who hang around because they want to be there, and who can leave anytime they want.
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